There are two main models for promoting social change: the Conflict Manipulation model and The Creative Process. Let's look at these briefly.
Conflict Manipulation
Conflict Manipulation model uses people's primal fears and anxieties to destroy something or someone the political or cultural movement is against.
Conflict Manipulation focuses its attention on creating 'enemies' who are seen as the source of all problems. These 'enemies' are not seen a people with their own concerns and points of view but rather as sub-humans who need to be demonized and cancelled.
The people and institutions destroyed through Conflict Manipulation are replaced with even worst people and institutions because the energy behind any change becomes the creation itself. In time Conflict Manipulation and their 'revolutions' not only eat their young and old alike. Some call it the Law of Karma, others, the principle of Sowing and Reaping.
As Dr. King beautifully noted,
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The Creative Process
Unlike conflict manipulation, the Creative Process lets us create what matters in a three step sequence:
Step 1
Conceiving the ideal outcome
Conceiving the ideal outcome or a powerful Vision is the very first step of this process. This takes serious work because what is wanted does not yet exist so it must first be imagined, clarified and articulated.
Conceiving the ideal outcome is different from 'problem solving' because one can solve all kinds of problems and still not have a real Vision to achieve. This distinction between problem solving and the Creative Process is crucial.
In the Starkid Civilization, we first conceive of an enlightened global civilization which through time, participation and stewardship creates a world of 100% for 100% of Humanity and Beyond.
Having conceived this Vision we are now move to step two of the Creative Process - Choosing to Create.
Step 2
Choosing to create
Choosing to bring the conceived Vision or outcome into existence is the crucial second step. While this step may seem obvious, many people with great Visions and inspirations never consciously choose to make them real.
This second step is made by speaking with intention and commitment, "I choose to bring this Vision into existence."
For example, those joining the Starkid Civilization Fellowship make this statement, "I choose to participate in the Starkid Civilization and to help co-create 100% for 100% of Humanity and Beyond - now and for Good".
Once we declare our choice to create what matters, we come to the third step of the process - Doing the work.
Step 3
Doing the Work
In the beginning it doesn't really matter if the steps we take are big or seemingly insignificant because in time the work builds its own momentum, exposes and corrects mistakes, brings new ideas to mind and attracts those who resonate with it.
Spiritually speaking, doing is the expression of Being, (eg. bees gather pollen, make honey and do all the things bees do). Likewise, we express our ideals by doing them. This is the Way of Creation.
Unlike conflict manipulation, the Creative Process lets us create what matters in a three step sequence:
- Conceiving the ideal outcome
- Choosing to Create this outcome
- Doing the Work
Step 1
Conceiving the ideal outcome
Conceiving the ideal outcome or a powerful Vision is the very first step of this process. This takes serious work because what is wanted does not yet exist so it must first be imagined, clarified and articulated.
Conceiving the ideal outcome is different from 'problem solving' because one can solve all kinds of problems and still not have a real Vision to achieve. This distinction between problem solving and the Creative Process is crucial.
In the Starkid Civilization, we first conceive of an enlightened global civilization which through time, participation and stewardship creates a world of 100% for 100% of Humanity and Beyond.
Having conceived this Vision we are now move to step two of the Creative Process - Choosing to Create.
Step 2
Choosing to create
Choosing to bring the conceived Vision or outcome into existence is the crucial second step. While this step may seem obvious, many people with great Visions and inspirations never consciously choose to make them real.
This second step is made by speaking with intention and commitment, "I choose to bring this Vision into existence."
For example, those joining the Starkid Civilization Fellowship make this statement, "I choose to participate in the Starkid Civilization and to help co-create 100% for 100% of Humanity and Beyond - now and for Good".
Once we declare our choice to create what matters, we come to the third step of the process - Doing the work.
Step 3
Doing the Work
In the beginning it doesn't really matter if the steps we take are big or seemingly insignificant because in time the work builds its own momentum, exposes and corrects mistakes, brings new ideas to mind and attracts those who resonate with it.
Spiritually speaking, doing is the expression of Being, (eg. bees gather pollen, make honey and do all the things bees do). Likewise, we express our ideals by doing them. This is the Way of Creation.